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Thread: WIP Unnamed Map

  1. #11
    Guild Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Veenendaal, Netherlands


    Good point, they could probably do with a fair bit of desaturating. Honestly, I was just trying to make them pretty, I didn't even consider the point you brought up. Plus, I'm not overly creative so I was focusing mostly on making sure the colors I used were different from eachother. Will definitely put them in the map as a preview and desaturate a bit, thanks for the suggestion!

  2. #12
    Guild Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Veenendaal, Netherlands



    Here they are on the map, desaturated by -25%. They won't be nearly as big in the final product, but this is what the colors would look like in their adjusted form.

  3. #13
    Guild Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Veenendaal, Netherlands


    Three months later, I figured I would try and make a bit of progress again. The biggest thing that was keeping me from doing anything was the issue of map icons for towns and cities. I found several nice ones (right here on this website, thanks Ramah!), but I really wanted to see if I could make my own. But no matter how simple I tried to make them, it seems I simply do not have the skill for hand drawing. Luckily ProCreate was not too expensive, so it's not a big loss.

    I decided to only give the really big cities (such as capitals) a detailed icon, whereas everything else would just get a dot on the map. I think it turned out alright. Added some roads, made the heraldry shields smaller. It should be clear now which family reigns in which country, what the capital of each country is and what the most common trade routes are.

    I would like some opinions on what the map looks like now, though it has been such a long work in progress that I'm eager to just wrap it up. I think I shouldn't have made the resolution so big. I do feel it needs a little more detail in certain areas, such as big open grassy areas or the empty ocean areas. Not in the shape of landmarks, necessarily, but just some small thing to fill up the emptiness. Maybe farm field icons for the grassy bits, I don't know. Anyway, here is what I have so far! Thanks in advance for any and all feedback given, it has already on more than one occasion helped me sort something that was blocking progress.


    I apologize for any strain this put on the server. It is kind of a big file and took a few attempts to upload. It would not let me upload directly from my computer, so I had to upload to Imgur first in 11/12 quality JPG, which then got a nice shot of quality loss from Imgur itself. It should still be clear enough to see what I have, though. In any case, I hope to hear feedback from you guys soon! Hopefully this one will be 100% done in the next week or two.

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