This map was produced back in early 2017 for a client who ultimately didn't pay for it.
One interesting thing about it is how quickly it was done.
I had already done some tight deadline work for this client before.
And this one had the same deadline - 1 day. It was thrilling to take that challenge and succeed.

Needless to say I was not thrilled with their lack of payment.
This was to be for a second music festival in the Bahamas.
But it turned out that the first one, which I did the maps for, was a disaster.
A tid bit -some may have heard of this failed music festival - the Fyre Festival.
I think the massive failure of the first one [that I was paid for] is why the client never paid me for the second one.
The first commission was crazy - 4 maps in 1 day. C r a z y !!! But I did manage it.
The rush fee was more than the map fee. hehe. Most I have ever made in a day.
Life is funny and strange sometimes. Always cover your butt.
Even if you have already worked with someone before.
Cheers, J

Black Point Beach by jstevenson.jpg