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Thread: Continental Map - A Test to my Abilities

  1. #21
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    Quote Originally Posted by ManOfNaozen View Post
    Yeah, i'm counting too many "rivers"? I think, because some parts of the terrain are flatter than others, some parts have more rivers than others. (EG: the Bottom Right Continent is mostly a desert, so I'm guessing not too many rivers there.
    Also Wilbur kinda made some small islands disappear. I'm guessing that's normal but if there's anyway to prevent that it'd be great. I'l try to make a map with coloured parts symbolizing the type of terrain.
    One good way to prevent loss of smaller items is to load a land/sea mask as a selection and erode into that. Also, don't set your sea level particularly low relative to the coast (if the coast is 0, consider -1 for the ocean areas). Finally, do a height clip of 0.1 to a 10000000 or so to enforce the original shorelines. I also recommend starting with the lowlands fairly low to avoid the large amount of downcutting that you're seeing.

  2. #22


    @Naima - Never really worked with FT, I use Photoshop for all my cartography (Al tho I am curious about it, I've seen some fantastic maps)

  3. #23



    I guess this is a bit better? Height map with an assigned gradient map.
    Used Wilbur for overall erosion and then handmade the grays with a brush

  4. #24


    New stuff
    Made 4 map markers. A capital, an important city, and a town. Also I made a tower that I might use for a keep or watchtower (not sure yet)


  5. #25



    I've got a test map. I'm testing the style to use for the final map. Here's the test:


  6. #26


    Sadly, due to personal reasons and lack of time I'l have to put this one on hold. Hopefully one day I'l come back to it and finish it.
    Thanks for the tips

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