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Thread: March 2018 Challenge: Belgrade, February 2140

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    Default March 2018 Challenge: Belgrade, February 2140

    I hope my interpretation of the challenge subject is not too liberal. I've yearned for a long time to create a World War II-style situation/operation map, showing the disposition of ground forces as it would appear on the macro-level, and thought this challenge might allow me to scratch that particular itch. The map will be set within the alternate-future universe of Battllefield 2142, which, despite being a first-person shooter, has a very fascinating canon that I enjoy very much.

    The setting is the area around Belgrade, Serbia, in February of the year 2140. An ice age has descended upon the world. Temperatures drop continually and glaciers advance from the north and south, eating up land at an alarming rate. This sudden crisis has sparked a world-wide conflict as the various national powers scramble to secure land and resources. The principle actors are the European Union (EU) and their allies, and the Russo-Asian bloc known as the Pan-Asian Coalition (PAC).

    Following the devastating EU defeat at Minsk, PAC forces rush across eastern Europe, intent on driving into Germany and toward Berlin, the center of EU operations. Now in February of 2140, the retreating EU 9th Armored Corps finds itself trapped between the advancing PAC X and II Command Divisions and a giant wall of ice that has descended from northern Europe. The EU commander, General Emil Nikoli, decides to mount a tenacious defense, although hope of relief seems to dwindle with every inch of snow that falls...

    The map as it stands now is very basic. I have the major rivers in place, though they've been largely modeled based on Google Maps, as well as the urban zones, Belgrade being the most significant. Operational maps tend to be fairly simplistic, with their aim more showing how the armies are disposed in relation to each other. I've been working in Photoshop so far but may switch over to Illustrator to do the text and other line work once I get to that point. I'm also thinking of smooth over the rivers but I need to figure out how to do that first, hah. I also need to verify that the scale I choose is correct for division/corps size units, since the frontage each can cover is significant. Very excited to keep working on this and be participating in my first challenge!

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Last edited by antillies; 03-16-2018 at 09:54 PM. Reason: Phrasing.

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