So because I was lacking inspiration for the map I am currently working on and the fact that this challenge was such a cool one I decided to try it. This is the first time I have done any of the month challenges, I hope every one likes it.

I am doing a map for the book 'The Ordinary Princess' by M. M. Kaye, it's a fantastic but sadly underrated fairy tale about a young princess named Amethyst but everyone calls her Amy. When Amy was a baby she was cursed/blessed by her fairy godmother to be simply Ordinary. She isn't like her sisters who are all fair with long golden hair and complexions of a rose petal. As she grows up her complexion is rough and her hair mousey brown. After she is unable to attract a suitable husband she goes out on her own and becomes a kitchen maid in a neighboring kingdom (Ambergeldar) where she makes friends with a charming young man named Peregrine.

For this map I wanted to do something very soft. I am also trying out a few new things for this map. Some of the element in this map will be directly out of the book but other things are only mentioned in by the book.

###Latest WIP###

The ordinary princess.jpg