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Thread: WIP - World Creation (Mat'am)

  1. #31


    Been awhile but here is my July Temperature Map


  2. #32


    So, obviously I've fallen behind on this. First, we had our second child so that's taken most of my extra free time. Second, I'm really struggling to get the biome map to work correctly. I didn't know if anyone had worked through Azelor's climate guide (
    If you had and your interested in helping me out in this regard, let me know. Thanks!

  3. #33


    SO.... it's definitely been awhile since I've worked on this, but I'm currently back on the wagon. I've gone back and redone currents, air pressure, winds, and temperature. I like the results and I've done the general wet/dry map too. I'm going to hold off on the rainfall map till I've finished the January set (still have temp and wet/dry to go). If you see any gross errors let me know.

    Also, my end goal is to 'paint' it satellite style when I'm done with the biomes and climates. If anyone knows some posts I should look at for that let me know. Thanks!

    Ocean Currents
    Winds and Air Pressure (July)
    Temperature (July)
    Wet/Dry July

  4. #34


    Looking at it the south feels really dry.... maybe it just is

  5. #35


    And January:
    Winds and Air Pressure January
    Temperature January
    Temp January.jpg
    Wet/Dry January

  6. #36


    Something else you should really have a look at it Geoff's climate cookbook. On your dry/wet map, what is dry and wet? On your southernmost continent there should always be a HP zone even in january because it's always colder than the surrounding ocean (except if your world is very hot and there's no ice on it). Dry zones over the ocean don't really make sense, and cold currents usually make the surrounding continent arid because it makes the air more stable so less rainfall. The west coast of your easternmost continent will be wet, at least in the northern part over 30N (the prevailing winds and the moutains will make it something like British Columbia).

  7. #37


    The Easternmost continent looks like south america, have a look at it for the climate

  8. #38


    Thanks Jean-Abdel,
    I went and read through Geoff's Cookbook. It was super helpful. I redid my pressure and precipitation maps with that. I like your idea of modelling the eastern continent after south america. Did a little research and read somewhere (I think it was a post on here) that the amazon actually creates its own precipitation so I went ahead and made that part wet year round.

    Here's my updates:
    Air Pressure and Wind using Geoff's (red is high pressure, blue is low pressure)

    Followed up with a High/Low Precipitation using Geoff's (green is high, white is low)

  9. #39


    So, I've been away from the computer for awhile, but I did work through Geoff's Climate Cookbook to put down my climate. Here's a pencil and paper approach. I hope to put it on the computer soon in color and then I'll post it up here.


  10. #40


    Well here it is. I colored and finished it. Definitely took my time, but I'm fairly happy with the results.

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