"Somewhere amidst the towering mountains"...in the mountains surrounding Brynehall sits Greystone Abbey, sacred to the Mountain Gods Kő, Sziklák, and Föld. Over 400 years ago, Sir Arthur Bryne and his companion Sir Jules Grey attempted a daring rescue of the Crown Prince from the Dark Fey Mithrielye, who had stolen the prince from the capital of Westlund in the hopes of driving the recently peaceful realm back into civil war. Sir Bryne was eventually successful in his quest, but Sir Grey fell in a great battle on the Northcliffe Peaks. When the Mountain Gods told Sir Bryne that he should establish an abbey and a town to protect it, he decided to name the abbey in honor of his departed companion. Each year hundreds of pilgrims make the long trek north to Brynehall, at the very northern part of Westlund, to visit the Abbey and give thanks to the Mountain Gods for the continued peace across the realm.

I'm working on two versions of Greystone Abbey - a side map, which will be partially covered by the Abbey's exterior, and an isometric map of the Abbey. Right now I only have the iso map for the underground portion. On the side view map, rooms 10, 11, and 14 are behind a waterfall. Room 13 is the meeting place of the Druidic Order of Vidéki.

### Latest WIP ###
Abbey side map.jpg

### Latest WIP ###
Abbey below ground iso map.jpg

And just for fun, an epic poem I'm writing that describes Sir Arthur Bryne's quest:

Arthur Brynes Charge (small).jpg