Hi guys i am brand new to this site, so i just got Photoshop so i could make a fantasy map i want to make and on YouTube i saw a 7 video tutorial on how to make an Atlas style map. So i follow the tutorial but i got stuck on step 212 for some reason the magic wand tool will not register my borders and no matter what i do i cant get it to select my country borders and not the continent. However if i draw my borders on the Country 1 layer than it kinda works but im supposed to do it on the borders layer but then it just dosen't work or maybe im just using Photoshop wrong idk, so far everything has worked perfectly with this guys tutorial but this step. And i made sure that my borders reached the sea and have no gaps. Here is a link to the video ive been mentioning. :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhz0T0TPNHs