Photo 27 of 60 from Max's maps (Commisssions Album1 - with clients references)

Durant - Commission for the writer Toby Lloyd.
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Photo Added
04-30-2014, 05:52 PM
Max's maps (Commisssions Album1 - with clients references)
Added by
- Max -
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Photo Comments

  1. - Max -
    A few words from Toby Lloyd, the commisioner of this map :

    "I first saw Max's amazing work when I found this website. The first map of his I saw was Selvarin and that was enough to make me want to work with him to develop a map for my novel. As I continued to browse, and saw more and more of his work, I was 100% convinced and immediately emailed Max.

    He came back to me quickly and was very helpful in figuring out what I wanted and how we would go about achieving my goals. His friendly advice and excellent communication was evident throughout the process.

    When I saw the first draft of my map I was blown away by what Max had been able to achieve, based entirely off a bad photoshop attempt by me, and some vague descriptions. He had absolutely nailed exactly what I had pictured in my mind for the world.

    I could not be happier both with Max's work, and with the honourable and helpful type of person he is. I look forward to working on maps with him in the future, once I have made a decent dent in the writing of my novel. We, the Cartographer's Guild community, are simply blessed to have people like Max". T.Lloyd.
  2. Francissimo
    Des choix de couleurs tout en subtilité pour un sacré résultat, merci pour l'inspiration c'est le genre d'oeuvre qui me fait adorer la cartographie
  3. - Max -
    Merci Francissimo
  4. TornyHusky
    What program is used for this?
  5. - Max -
    I used Photoshop with a wacom tablet.
  6. Marcello Loisi
    Very good!
  7. - Max -
    Thanks Marcello
  8. Marcello Loisi
    With PS how can I make araldic symbols like yours?
  9. - Max -
    for simple shields and symbols, use path tool to make shapes then apply strokes and colors.
  10. Knight of Roses
    Hey Max, I was wondering how you get those great background textures (those of the ocean, geographic outlines, and the land, etc). Do you make them yourself, or find them online. If you make them yourself, how do you do it? and if you find them online, where at do you find them?
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