Conversation Between Carbus and lostatsea

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey there Iostatsea! Who am I to judge your maps, you are a greater cartographer! About your Dark Journey map, reading my fellow cartographers bellow, I agree with everything they say. The map lacked some more details, and the overall blackness isn`t my personal taste (which means nothing, since you can`t please everyone haha), but again your story was great, and I have to say it was a tough challenge (it was the first challenge I couldn`t think of anything to do!). Hope I could help, keep up the good work!
  2. Dear Guilder. It is traditional for me to solicit advice on my contest entries especially when they bomb so badly. It is the only way to Improve ! So if you can spare a few minutes what exactly was it that you personally found lacking in my entry “The Dark Journey “ Was it too simple ; Hard to understand : Too plain ?? Or something else ? I am asking so be blunt Thanks in advance for the advice ! It will help me Improve ! Sincerely lostatsea
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