Conversation Between Mmansen and LonewandererD

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thnx but i can't really call my work great because i used techniques posted by other people and just experimented with a lot of crap. I can't write a guide as alot of my stuff has been learned from other people's tutorials, i can only claim a few techniques as mine, and so i'd just be copying them, but i can point you towards what tuts i did use for various parts of my maps. Still even without any tuts i learned that the best way to get the hang of map-making is to experiment, i make several UGLY changes to my maps in an attempt to try and get something to look right, i actually spend most of my time undoing these ugly mistakes.

  2. You are realy good. prob the best I found in mapmaking. They are soo butiful.
    Did you create a Guide? If not, i beg you on by my maploving heart. Pleas good sir. give us a guide and your textures.
    best r. Mikael Mansén (mmansen)
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