Conversation Between Riorlyne and RazielKilsenhoek

3 Visitor Messages

  1. King Percival Goldherz is from the land that produces the most food, has the most fertile lands. The country is also most notable for its infrastructure, as he and his predecessors took pride in making sure the entire empire was accessible for its citizens, and that food had to be transportable everywhere before it went off. Think cobble roads here, it is all in a sort of medieval time period/setting. His signature would likely be somewhat pretty as well, though I see him only using P. Goldherz in his signature, not his full first name.

    Last is emperor Zyr Genkrut. The empire is very much a military state, focusing on producing arms and soldiers. It is a land of high discipline and strict rules. His signature would be very formal, stern. Possibly thick lettering, only his last name.

    The nations have been more friendly and cooperative with eachother, but these are still the same rulers that waged war and their signatures would still hold the values they had before the signing.
  2. Thanks a lot for the offer. I replied to your post as well, the handwritten fonts ended up being fine. In hindsight, I'm still kind of curious to see what you'd come up with, so I'll give you some extra information that you asked for. King Stacleon III (First name Atticus) is from the wealthiest country of the three. Unofficially, he was the one who enforced the signing of the Concordat, convincing the other nations that nobody would win, and everyone would lose. I see his signature as being quite neat and pretty, as his position as ruler of the wealthiest country makes him feel better than others. He would use both his first and last name in his signature.
  3. Hi Raziel! Just letting you know I replied to your thread - the post finally made it through the beginner 5-post moderation.
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