Conversation Between atpollard and Jaxilon

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I have to agree with you about the glow from the lava. It was my favorite part as well and I was so happy with how it came out. It is always interesting to see how things develop. Look at Sapiento's entry for the regular challenge this month, his initial sketch is really rough but as he goes forward it just keeps getting refined. That is one of my favorite things about watching the challenges. Just seeing how people develop the piece. It's actually kind of a let down when they just *bam* post a finished image

    Thanks again for the expressions of appreciation on my entry. Time will tell who wins but at least we are in the running, eh?
  2. Thanks for the Rep.
    I am delighted that my tower at least momentarily has the lead ...
    ... but I voted for your caverns because I genuinely believe that they should win. My tower and Bogies tower are good, and have a lot of potential, but they are not finished works (both could use some shadows and color balance adjustments for a start).

    One lesson that I learned from this challenge was the benefit of starting and posting a fairly complete (even if rough) design early on, so that you can get feedback and adjust it based on that feedback. Your first sketch was OK, but just OK - yet each iteration further refined your work into more of a 'finished' product. The end result is breathtaking - my favorite part is the red glow on the walls from the glowing stream of lava.
  3. Thanks for the rep for my attempting to explain my workflow process.
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