Conversation Between Greg and Chashio

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the comment and the rep, Chashio! Really appreciate it. Would love to see you in another challenge at some point, but I don't blame you as finding the time is always a right pain...
  2. Thanks for the rep and comment on my dungeon map Chashio!
  3. Thanks for the rep on my Mapvember thread, Greg! I'm glad you're enjoying my little sketches
  4. Thanks for the rep and the comments on my Metoreia map!
  5. Hahaha!
  6. Haha, thanks for the rep and comment Chashio. Just imagining now if Santa was actually a wyvern. I guess he wouldn't have a need for reindeer least unless he needed to stock up on fuel beforehand!
  7. Thanks for nice comments on my challenge map Chashio, and, of course the rep too!

    Good luck in the poll, looks like it's going to be a close one!
  8. Thank you, GLS I'm glad you like it. It is definitely nice to be making [completed] maps again. I'm hoping to finish and share a few more painterly maps before the year is out.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8