Conversation Between Chashio and - Max -

9 Visitor Messages

  1. My pleasure, a really fine and enjoyable map
  2. Thanks for the rep and comment, Max.
  3. That sounds pretty good
  4. I do get that. And thank you as well I'll be putting something up soon, and when I have a bit more breathing room next year I'll put up a whole bunch of things.
  5. Thanks for the rep Chasio Ah well I don't consider this part as a finished map, rather a test hence I didn't go further on it.
  6. Sure Thing I know encouragement is important on long tasks. Still thinking on my own subject for this challenge.
  7. Haha, yes, it'll take a while... and, given how much else I have on my plate, it's pretty likely to be the only challenge I'll enter for the rest of the year. Thanks for the rep, Max The encouragement is definitely appreciated.
  8. Thanks For the rep Chasio! Glad you like the map
  9. Out of curiosity, do you have a website/blog portfolio besides the album here?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9