Conversation Between jbgibson and Bogie

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the REP ! that put me over 2000! Woot!
  2. Thanks for the REP! He tried to paint it on the chieftain's head, but that didn't go so well.
  3. Thanks for the Vote, very much appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the rep. I agree, I've been in a lot of harbors and all the boats are different.
  5. Thanks for the Rep!
  6. Thanks for the Vote!
  7. Thanks for the Rep! I had already picked 2 cloud pictures to use as the edges of the river, but when I saw those 2 sunset pictures I changed plans from doing a regular river to the lava river. So I actually used 4 different cloud pictures to make the map. I was pleasantly surprised how it came out.
  8. Thanks for the REP, glad you liked it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8