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Thread: First ever map - Under the Old Skull

  1. #1

    Default First ever map - Under the Old Skull

    Hi folks,

    I joined up here a week or so ago, downloaded GIMP as instructed, and found a few tutorials. Not a great effort, but this is my first ever map using digital technology. In my defence, this map was created, not as an artistic piece, but as a functional tool for a play-by-post D&D game I'm running online, and I didn't have much time to learn how to use GIMP (or make the map really good). The colour scheme is horrible and uneven, but my players loved it (although their version currently still has the unexplored areas hidden under a fog of war). One thing I do like is the hint of smudge that (to my eyes at least) makes the three holes look just a little bit like holes

    The dungeon is "Under the Old Skull", from a 2E D&D adventure called Beneath the Twisted Tower, set in Shadowdale that came in the 2E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Boxed Set. The adventure's going pretty well, and if there's anyone here who's played or run that adventure, please feel free to regale with my your legendary tales of derring-do!

    Thanks for having a look, I'm already finding out that this is a lovely community to be a part of. I'm hoping to submit many more maps in the future, learning along the way as I do.



    PS In my eagerness, I posted this without seeing the "Read this first" post, and realise this may not be appropriate for this sub-forum. If I need to delete it, and there's a way to do that, I will, and repost it in the Introductions and/or WIP sub-forums.

    Under the Old Skull.02_01.jpg
    Last edited by littlehewy; 06-27-2018 at 03:07 AM.

  2. #2


    Welcome Litthewy !
    I kinda like your color choices (makes me think of gold veins), but I tend to see the galleries as full solid and not extruded. Kind of a reverse 3D.

  3. #3


    Hi Ilanthar

    Thanks for the feedback! I tried a bit of a burn to add a feeling of depth, and I think that partially succeeded in the tight areas, but you're quite right, the chambers look like they're bubbling off the map. What sort of techniques in GIMP would you suggest to give the feeling that the caverns are beneath the surface of the map?

  4. #4


    Well, I would probably add inner shadows to give the sense of depth. Done by whatever may lit the caverns of course.

  5. #5


    Looks cool. gives me an idea for Dnd!

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