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Thread: Request - Whirlpool Trancperancy

  1. #1

    Default Request - Whirlpool Trancperancy

    I am on the hunt for a "Whirlpool" layer that has transparency so I can dump it on "what ever" coloured background and have my players go.. and say... Oh... Thats a whirl pool!

    Yesterday I spent close to 30 minutes on here, Maptools, RPG Now & the power of google to no avail.

    I can find them installed into maps... But just none that I can use on a generic map or one that I am making... This makes me sad. lol, Has anyone got something kicking around?

    Le Glock-9mm (NZ)

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer hohum's Avatar
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    Did you try I found several in the photoshop Brushes when I did a search for vortex there.

  3. #3


    Can't resist a challenge, but I'm really stretched at the mo in real life. Came up with this. If you plonk it on a background and set the blend mode to Luminosity it ought to work OK. If I had more time I'd be able to make it a bit more convincing, but it's the best I can do at short notice.

    PS, this tutorial might help if you're using photoshop or similar.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4


    Nice job Ravells, I was coming to see if anyone had whipped something up. saved me about 10 minutes.

  5. #5



    My thanks to all and sunder... Now to suck my PCs down into the depths.... Muah hahha ah

    Le Glock-9mm (NZ)

  6. #6


    I could have sworn that Torstan did a really nice transparent whirlpool image too, a while back..

    Edit: Yep, knew I'd seen it somewhere! Here is the link on Torstan's blog.
    Last edited by RecklessEnthusiasm; 12-16-2010 at 09:42 AM.

  7. #7



    Ive ended up using Torts one, It turns out I must have been holding my tongue wrong when I was doing the search coz on RPTools they gave me another pile of options.

    Cheers Chaps

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