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Thread: Galactic Map

  1. #1

    Wip Galactic Map

    I've been working in a map for the galaxy (it might not be the Milky Way)

    The first attachment (galaxia800px.jpg) is just the galaxy drawing, the idea is mix it with the other picture (galaxia-sectores.jpg). In the second one are the sectors in witch the galaxy is devided, each sector is 10000 light years on each side.

    I want to do a printer friendly version of the map, but I have no idea on how can I do this, any ideas.
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  2. #2


    Both of those seem pretty printer-friendly to me, but if you're looking for some way to combine the two, convert the sector map to transparent squares, with the lines and text in red (a color apparently not used much in the galaxy drawing), so that the grid lies over the drawing.
    My Finished Maps | My Planet Maps | My Challenge Entries | Album: Pre-generated Worlds

    Assuming I stick with fantasy cartography, I'd like to become a World Builder, laying out not only a realistic topography, but also the geopolitical boundaries and at least rough descriptions of the countries and societies.

  3. #3
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    You mean something like this...
    Attached Images Attached Images
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

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