Looks neat, but it appears to be only d20 so I'll have to pass. Interesting idea though. Thanks for the link.
The RPGtonight weekly Saturday Night Rumble officially kicks off on November 17th. This will be a weekly rpgtonight.com site game night where we encourage GMs and players to sign on, get together via a special chat window, create a gameroom, and play their favorite tabletop style roleplaying games. The Rumble will run during the evening hours of whatever time zone you are in, from Australia/East Asia to N. America and Hawaii, but most players will be from N. America. GMs are especially welcome.
RPGtonight is a virtual tabletop (VT) site. The VT is free and works in your browser - there is nothing to download. Features include text and voice chat, die roller, customizable character sheets, map display, moveable miniatures (tokens), fog of war, sound effects and more. You can check it out - and try it out - by going to http://www.rpgtonight.com at any time.
The virtual tabletop is non-system specific. There are no D20 sepcific functions at all. You can use it for pretty much any RPG.
Looks kind of complicating, why not just use skype and openrpg? I'm just asking, thanks. =] I'd love to rp online, but players always flake out and don't show on time.
Hyptosis, I'm going on two years now for my weekly OpenRPG game, and I swear by it--but you are right that "flake out" is a common problem. It took us some time before we "settled" on a good group--and we've had to "encourage" some players to leave to get where we are now.
My gallery is here
__________________________________________________ _______
"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]
Innkeeper at the Darkwood Inn. The Foul Punster of the Cartographers' Guild!
Better role playing than dragon slaying!
haha, seriously, I'd say in the last 6 years, I've only played one full game online, it was on openrpg, and lasted a little over a year before it fell apart, saddly near the end of the story arch, but what can you do? =P
I play two games, one on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday and the other every Thursday. We play using MapTool for both and the Tuesday game uses Ventrilo for voice. Both games have been incredibly successful. So online gaming is definitely possible. It is just a matter of getting the right tools and players which it sounds like I've be unusually successful with.
Wow, map tool looks pretty wicke,d is that anything like openrpg? It looks a ot like it, only maybe more advanced map... tools.. oddly enough. =P I've never played over a voice chat, I'd set up a voice chat with video support for me and my friends back in the day, but they still weren't reliable enough to show up half the time. =P Very frustrating after spending 20 plus hours building a campaign and making maps. =]
I'll put it this way, MapTool can pretty much do everything that OpenRPG can do, and is growing on a weekly basis with incredible support and user driven features.
The group I joined a while back was using ORPG, but finally switched to MapTool and we haven't looked back since.
For VoIP, I highly recommend Ventrilo, and highly discourage the use of Skype. I've posted elsewhere the reasons for not using Skype so I won't post them here. Whether using voice or chat the games seem to go just as fast and we get as much done in both - barring technical difficulties that might crop up.