worldsendinn_GF_3000.jpg worldsendinn_2S_3000.jpg

The 198th Map of the Week from the Jörðgarð (TM) adventure "Too Many Clues" shows the World's End Inn in Slovania's Sentinel City.

Key to the Floor Plan:

Ground Floor

1. Main Entrance

2. Public Room

3. Beer Tap and Food Pickup

4. Kitchen

5. Tradoor to the Storage Cellar (not mapped)

6. Inn Reception

7. Stairs to Guest Rooms

8. Jakes

9. Lumir's Office

10. Closed Mystery Room

Second Story

11. Stairs. To additional guest rooms on the 3rd Story and Lumir's apartment on the 4th story (neither mapped).

12. Jakes

13. Guest Rooms. The numbers in parantheses are the room numbers.

You can get these floor plans in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (7.2 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

2. As two JPG flat maps of 3000 x 2380 Pixels each (4.2 MB), available above.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:

Next Week: North Steppe settlement