Anyone familiar with QGIS? I'm just starting to play with it and working out what it can and can't do.
I'm posting this question here and in QGIS forums just to see what I can dig up.

I've downloaded several GEOTIFF files, converted them from 32-bit to 16-bit TIFFs, and heavily edited them in Photoshop (combined features, increased/lowered elevations, incised waterways, etc.) to make a height map of a completely fictional landscape. I would like to use this height map with QGIS to first generate an elevation map with colour ramp, and later add other features as I learn how to use QGIS.

- Is it possible in QGIS to use a 16-bit TIFF height map to generate an elevation map with colour ramp?
- If it's not possible to use the height map directly with QGIS, is there a way to convert the height map so that QGIS can use it? Say, converting it to a DEM somehow, for example?

Thanks for any help!