Last year I had the pleasure and privilege to work with James Ohlen and Arcanum Worlds on this piece.
It began as the 20 year anniversary of the original Baldur’s Gate video game, which I played many, many times.
It was cool to work with the man who helped bring that to life way back then.

I wanted this version of the city to be inspiring, as well as accurate, in so far as it was possible for me.
I didn’t have access to anyone at WOTC to let me know where certain things were located.
So I spent a LOT of time researching things. And then we changed the location of one anyways.
That was due to an encounter map you’ll see later.
I hope this version will stand the test of time and be around for another 20 years.

It ended up becoming a campaign setting book over on the DMsGuild.
Definitely go pick up a copy. Works like that help more maps get made.
I’ll be dropping a few more maps over the next few weeks, plus some closeups over on
twitter -
and tumblr -
maybe even instagram -

I hope you enjoy this look at the great city of Baldur’s Gate.
I tried to make sure there were loads of locations for adventure and intrigue.
Thanks for watching, and stay tuned… cheers, J

And let me just say in advance, this took a loooong time to produce.
Even the research for locations and structure of buildings was time consuming.

Baldur's Gate - city map by jstevenson.jpg