
Was looking for feedback on the overall viability of this city design.

This is the city of Arkenfield which will be the main city in my county that will be built in an upcoming MMO called Chronicles of Elyria. I apologize about the quality as the original image is much larger than I can post and had to shrink it down.

Overall Theme:
The city sits in county parcel grid of 4k x 4k parcels and sits on 81 parcels total. I could let the city grow organically but I would much rather plan it from the start and account for growth and expansion with a center distric to start and build the two outer loops as the population grows. Thus picking an organized compact city design. There is also going to be an architectural tool in the game which has real world load bearing principals as well. Mostly I wanted to do it as cheaply and as efficiently as possible in which I am choosing to make a few kit houses I can mass produce without having to spend a lot of $ in the process. I also wanted to provide a good amount of city services and entertainment. I also decided to keep the city streets wide and inviting without having back alleys or places where devious actions could take place. I also wanted to have some farms and pastures for food and livestock production, as well as horse feed.

The Central District:
Comprises 25 parcels or 5x5 parcels
Great hall that houses the municipal building and two adjoining halls for the trade/craft guild and the militia hall.
Horce track for horse/charriot racing with some grand stands to watch them that are atop the stables.
Stables that can house upto 200 horses at a given time.
20 parcels of crops, horse feed crops, and pastures to make food, breed, and feed the horses and beasts of burden.
Buildings lining the inner wall to store people, feed, wagons, and tools.
20ft thick 40ft high rubbled filled and stone faced to start until full stone walls can be achieved.
40x40 square towers 40 ft high with a taller wooden watch tower built upon it to zip line quickly to out wall towers.

Outer Loops:
The outer loops have two rings of streets surrounded by an outer wall. Each street is 30ft wide with a 10ft wide sidewalk to allow street vendors to set up tens or stalls to sell their wares. Then there are shop that double as a residencce with a flat roof terrace to grow crops and variant structures which have half a 3rd floor or full third floor. Each building is 70ft long by 30ft wide. The shop has a 30x40ft showroom to sell items and a 30x30ft production room or warehouse. The second floor has 10 rooms and an open area for cooking. Also there is a celler in the basement for food storage. There is also a 70x40ft building which is a stable on the ground floor and a 2nd story inn along with a 3rd floor inn variant. There are also many city service buildings with open spaces, taverns to server food and drink, and wells. The outer wall is 20ft wide and 45ft tall again filled with rubble and faced with stone until it can be retrofitted with full stone. Since the shops will be 20-30ft tall I wanted the walls to be slightly taller so people cant parkour onto the outer walls.

Any thoughts or opinions on this city design?