Hello everybody!

Me and a few friends quite enjoy playing Pathfinder. Unfortunately we're all quite horrible when it comes to drawing maps so it can come as a bit of a hard time when we wish to use a map yet can't agree on it because it doesn't fit our own campaign. I'm unfortunately unable to pay for the map due to a slight issue with finances, so hopefully you can find it in the kindness of your heart to make a map (Hopefully) for me and my friends.

Using this tool we were able to agree upon a rough idea on what the map should look like: http://gmtools.uo1.net/map.php#21122...038242726:2048

Here is an image of that said idea.

Rough map idea.png

I was hoping with the left-hand side continent there might be a few port/coastal cities/towns. On the right-hand side I would think that would be the main continent, including towns, cities, villages, castles etc. Now this is a rough idea, not the actual style I was hoping for. I'm quite happy for the artist to choose what ever style he/she should want for the map. I'd just be grateful to be able to use said map in Roll20 for our Pathfinder sessions. The quality can again be what ever you wish, as long as it's not a blob of green with a triangle on it to represent a forest. :3

As I said before I only wish to use it as a world map for my campaign. I'm not too sure how hard this would be in terms of making the map (If it's way too high, you can lower it down I'm not fussed), but I was hoping for around 5600 pixels x 4830 pixels. There is no time limit, no deadline of any kind. I would just really appreciate if anyone at all could do this for me and my group.

Contact me through: jjcutler28--at--gmail.com

If there is any problems with what I have written here, anything that I've missed, just tell me in the chat and I'll fix it up.