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Thread: Regional Map (simplistic)

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice shpena's Avatar
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    Wip Regional Map (simplistic)

    Hello again!

    This is my current project, a regional map of an area below my previous Trader's map. The trader's map used a bitmap background, but this time I am thinking of just leaving it blank and having the whole map B&W. I will post updates every now and again whenever I have time. Hopefully it will be finished in 3-4 days.

    The area has a main city, Völušpá in the upper left surrounded and protected by mountains (perhaps even hewn from said mountains). The two smaller towns would be a large port town, En (south), and a smaller mountain/plains town, Erket (east). The center area is a large plains area with a huge mountain unnaturally made and large rifts and chasms surrounding it from tectonic shifts and dark magic. The upper edges are the mountains from the Trader's map (Erek-en-Ghel) and the river is the same (Kanes-en-Drita).

    What I want to be able to convey is a lonely place that was the scene of an ancient battle which caused the central area to rupture and shift making an unnatural large mountain.

    I also am looking for help on creating a decent map scale. The one in the Trader's Map does not keep the fonts. In the symbol manger, the Celtic-1 font shows well and the text 'Scale in Miles' is centered, but once the symbol is made, the font does not get saved and instead arial font is shown with the text shifted to the left. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks again!

    ---- EDIT ----
    The map is made in Campaign Cartographer 3 using lots of CC2's hand drawn symbols as well as the DS_Celtic-2 font and Dwarven-2 font. Forgot to add this, sorry!!!

    --- EDIT 2 ---
    Posted final map (pending). Hopefully this will get decent reviews...

    --- EDIT 3 ---
    Ok, updated final map on page 2 of forums. If it doesn't suck, then I will post it in the finished map section. Huzzah!

    --- EDIT 4 ---
    FINISHED!!! Thanks to all who helped! Check it out!
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    Last edited by shpena; 02-10-2009 at 09:21 PM. Reason: Changes per suggestions
    "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."
    - Louis-Hector Berlioz

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  2. #2
    Guild Apprentice
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    What font is that?

    As for the map itself, I like the art style for the details.

  3. #3
    Publisher Facebook Connected bartmoss's Avatar
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    Looks good, maybe add some sort of symbols to the plains to indicate grassland (if it is grassland). It looks a bit barren, and my first impression was "desert".

    Can't help you with the software issues, not even sure what you used to make this.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    I don't know that I would call that a simplistic map . . . Admittedly, it might be chuck full of stuff, but it is well executed and I rather like the artwork. Takes me back to the early days of my role playing career.

    As for the text/symbol problem . . . As bartmoss said, not knowing what software package you are using to create this map makes solving that problem a tad difficult, but one recommendation I would make, having had a similar problem in PSP in the past, is to lay out the text first, merge your test layer, then start a new text layer in the alternate font. For instance, if you want the text to be Celtic and the symbol comes from Wingdings, try setting up the text (from your celtic font) as one layer and the symbol (from wingdings) as another layer. Not sure if that will help your situation or not, but it worked for me rather than trying to include two or three different fonts in one text string.


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  5. #5
    Guild Apprentice shpena's Avatar
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    My apologies, I should have said which program I was using. I am using CC3 and many of CC2's symbols.

    I use the font called DS_Celtic-2

    Yes, I will add a few tufts of grass and some brush. It is in some early stages, and mayhaps growing pains...
    "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."
    - Louis-Hector Berlioz

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  6. #6
    Publisher Facebook Connected bartmoss's Avatar
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    I am very impressed by people who can actually use CC. I thought it was the most user-unfriendly piece of software I tried since I took a look at emacs. Unfortunately it means I can't help you with it, but surely there are others who can.

  7. #7
    Guild Apprentice shpena's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input guys.

    Here is an updated version. Please let me know what needs to be tweaked and whatnot.

    I will probably add a bit more grass symbols and maybe tweak the town symbols a bit along with the text.

    Thanks again!
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    "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."
    - Louis-Hector Berlioz

    All my work is released under the Creative Commons 3 license. Feel free to use and copy, but please give credit where it's due

  8. #8
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    This is coming along nicely...I think I would shrink the size of the "Plains of the Dead God" label, for me at least it tends to draw the eye away from the other symbols, etc. on the map.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

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  9. #9
    Guild Apprentice shpena's Avatar
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    Edited first post's picture to reflect changes per suggestions.

    I'm still having a heck of a time trying to get my map scale symbols to behave and scale properly. I've been looking at many other map scales and cannot seem to figure out how the devil they get the fonts and symbol scale down.
    Will try to hunt down a better symbol making tutorial as the one in the new CC3 manual really didn't answer many questions.
    "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."
    - Louis-Hector Berlioz

    All my work is released under the Creative Commons 3 license. Feel free to use and copy, but please give credit where it's due

  10. #10


    On your scale issue, put the scale in the map, and then explode it. That will break it into its component parts, allowing you to change the font, alignment, colors, whatever you please. Be aware that the bar will be difficult to move around once you've done that since it will have so many pieces, so be sure it's where you want it to be before you explode it.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

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