Hey everyone! Thank you for stopping by.

I am working on a world map and all of my research has left me confident I will produce a good map. My first couple broad stroked drafts seemed to be impractical for tectonics or climates that I wanted to preserve more.

Question number 1. If a landmass was between 10 degrees of north and south, is there a limit to the width the rainforest would be. Most of the real world rainforests are on shorter stretches of land and the Amazon has the mountains on the west to keep moisture from leaving. My first goal is to maximize my rainforests and coral reefs for plot reasons and I lack a decent answer to this inquiry. Any insight would be appreciated.

Question number 2. After all of my desert research I come to the conclusion that a sea of sand is rather improbable. My best hypothetical here would be a former sea that got drained by one method or another.

Thank you for eyes and attention!