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Thread: Atlas of Asdel | The Republic of Gyim

  1. #1

    Default Atlas of Asdel | The Republic of Gyim


    The Known World of Asdel | Sourcegate | The Word of Iron

    This map is a part of a larger world that started off as a homebrew DnD campaign, and has since evolved into a series of novels.

    In this world, magic, known as Entra, has become increasingly rare and weak. The once-great magi that could move mountains with their will either died off or were forgotten about, resigned to live in solitude.

    That is, until the Antuzan Empire, ruled over by an Emperor said to be the mouthpiece of a god known as Odeth, waged war on the world. The empire claims that when the sun rises and sets on the empire, Entra will be restored to the world.

    The Republic of Gyim

    Gyim is located in Northern Kador, spanning the entirety of the continent from west to east coast---approximately 120,000 sq km. The Gyish are well-known across Kador and Valmere for their metallurgy, creating some of the strongest steel from the ores found in Thob Ca Brou, the plataeu that divides the republic. Gyim has most often favored alliances with Ilris until recent decades, often supplying weapons and armor in accordance with trade alliances.

    Western Gyim is littered with coastal tidal wetlands and inner river-fed swamps and marshes, while eastern Gyim is famous for Siunna Valley and Monnuath, were the river Dierci has carved steep canyons into the terrain.


    The process for making this map involved using GMTED2010 SRTM heightmaps to create the base terrain in photoshop, World Machine and Wilbur for some minor terrain manipulation and locating rivers and lakes. I use QGIS to convert all of the data to georeferenced vectors, and do the bulk of the actual cartography in ArcGIS Pro. Map layouts then get exported to SVG, and I do final touch-ups on the maps in Affinity Designer.

    I have a thread documenting my process that you can find here.

  2. #2


    Can't rep you again so soon but very good map, nice and clean.

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