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Thread: Underground City

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Beoner's Avatar
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    Default Underground City

    So here I am again,

    As I don't have any special project in mind right now, and if I have i don't want to work on them, I had the incredible ideia of drawing an Underground City, like the legendary dwarves cities on RPG games

    The problem is, I don't have ideia how to start it, so I "googled" it, but couldn't find anything helpfull, thats why i came here to ask if anyone here has a image of a good underground city (with levels, buildings, and other stuff). Hope you can help me

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    I'd say first things first, you need to decide on two main things:

    1) Are they carving out the whole thing, part of the thing, or constructing inside a natural cavern?
    2) Are they a 'vertical' society or a 'horizontal' society (Shanghai and Manhattan are vertical societies, US and Australian Suburbs are 'horizontal')?

    Then you can start designing the big ticket items.
    Also, most cities start small then the reorganise around major buildings: Shopping, Law & Order, Government, Work, Defence.
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  3. #3
    Publisher Facebook Connected bartmoss's Avatar
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    There are some tutorials and documents on general city design, some on this site too. I'd recommend looking into that, after all, an underground city needs all the same facilities. Then you just figure out how you satisfy those need underground (water, food, etc) add a third dimension to it. As Juggernaut says somesocieties build more vertically than others, but underground you can probably build vertically more easily and it does offer benefits (shorter travel routes).

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    I did an underground city map a while ago (everything I've done is from a while ago ) - you can take a look at the final version in this thread.

    Maybe you'll get some inspiration from it...
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

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  5. #5
    Guild Applicant shawnhcorey's Avatar
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    Have you tried googling "ancient underground cities"? A number of them pop up when I do it.

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer Beoner's Avatar
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    Well, looks like I have lot of things to consider before starting. Yeah, I think vertical is better for an underground city too.

    Steel General, your map is pretty good but my ideia was a little different. However I think i'll have to do like you did, maybe draw three cities (3 different levels) and then another print where I would show the location of the levels, and then but everything together o.o .

    "Ancient undergounr cities" I haven't tried yet, only "undergound cities" or "undergound city artwork/print/draw" but what pop up is some tunnel imagens of real cities, and usefful stuff '-', I'll try your ideia.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert jbgibson's Avatar
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    Look up some geological maps like Cantab showed us. Thinking about what the strata do beneath the real earth's surface might give you ideas of some interesting things to do beneath your fictional surface. Like - "hmm - if the city started with mine excavations, what would the transition look like at a fault? " -- That kind of what-if's.

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