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Thread: City map for private use

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Enschede, NL/ Lingen, Germany

    Default City map for private use

    Hi guys and girls.

    I'm looking for an artist that might be interested in doing one or more seperate maps for my needs.
    I'm a writer as hobby and passion and I've been working on a world for several years now. I'm working on a appendix for my work, to nail down all my ideas and I'd love some goodlooking maps in it.
    I'm myself not really an artist, even though I'm able to control photoshop. But I guess my skills are terrible in comparison with yours.

    First of all I'd love to get a map for one of my cities. It's the setting for a huge story I'm working on at the moment and I'd love to see a detailed map for it. I'm pretty much impressed by this map and I think I want to go into this direction. (Style)

    I've got a good idea on how this city should work - Where the differnt districts are, how they work with each other and how this city was build and designed. I just don't know how to make my idea into a map.

    The city is over 900 years old and grew heavily in the last 240 years. The city was build around a hill where the god of this country setteled down. At first it was a city to prais the god and serve him, but today it's a big and important city of trade. 320 years ago there was a war that destroyed part of the city on the south side of it. After the war ended, the south side became the slums and place for the lower classes.
    A river seperates the city horizontally and end in the hanging coast where the docks are. North of this river live the upper classes and the god himself. The north-east corner of the city is dominated by the traders and merchants. Near the docks and the river lies the market district.
    The different districts are separated via walls, but the city grew outside this old defences as well. There are two streets that dominate the citys flow. The road comes from the south, goes through the slums and divides before the river into two streets. One leading to the merchant district, one leading to the upper classes. There is another road that leads around the slums and joins the original southroad beneath the city.
    The population is 41865 people. There are a few important buildings and "signs" that need to be seen in the map:
    The castle of the god, surrounded by walls and towers, but with enough space for a small wood inside these walls.
    The trading hall near the river with an extra dock.
    A whole streets with only warehousing, between the docks and the merchant district, surrounded by walls and only accessable via a gate.

    I've got even more small details that could be discussed in the future.

    I hope this discription is understandable. I've got the feeling my english kinda sucks in this one. Does it?
    If there are further questions regarding my vision of the city, I'd love to talk about this.

    Quality and Size
    Of course I'd love a good high-res map. But I'm willing to work with the abilities of the artist. As I'm not an expert with digital drawing, I'm going to trust you with this.

    I think I'm going to go with "I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.".
    At the moment this is all just for my own passion and fun, but of course I'd like to get published one day and would love to take the awesome maps with me.

    I'm absolutly willing to pay for this map. As I'm a student I won't be able to pay as much as I'd like to, but I'd love to negotiate the price with the artist. My idea is about 40€/56$. I could go a little higher, but as said: I'm really that kind of poor student that has to trade deposit bottles for food.
    Let's talk about that in private.

    So, this is my request. I've got a sh*tload more ideas and wishes for different maps, but that's for the future.
    If you're interested, drop a message. It would be awesome if I could see some of your work befor deciding. I'm going to get in touch with you via email, if you like.
    Last edited by Acedia; 05-23-2011 at 07:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Washington State


    Good luck to anyone who takes this!

  3. #3
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Jun 2008



    Please contact me concerning your mapping request, my e-mail is

    c a l a m b u r--at--h o t m a i (please, remove spaces, '--' and replace at with '@')

    Best regards

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