mapa szkicowana urocza.jpg
Above is the map of Arminor - main continent of Eiran. Though I worked on its coastline and rivers quite neatly, the rest (including actual realisation of coastline, which looked clearer without the lining) has been done rather in hurry. Those straight black lines are there for a scale - one line represents 1000 km (~621.3 miles). Lower horizontal line is at the equator, upper at 60 deg N and it's twice longer because it's a big region, so distortions are inevitable and the projection is equirectangular.

And here's whole globe map (equirectangular too), showing how large Arminor is and how what is there beside it.

To do:
1) enlarge the map and rework the coastline to new resolution (maybe I'll give Arminor some bigger, more significant seas, but I can't tell if it's reasonable now)
2) make pretty mountains like I learned from analysing works of Sapiento, Max, lesopeso and others in last few days
3) draw nice forests and other terrains
4) place cities and descriptions
5) make everything cool