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Thread: Quick & Dirty Tutorial: Creating a Path through Forest

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    Default Quick & Dirty Tutorial: Creating a Path through Forest

    Someone was asking me about using Xara to create a path through the forest. My problem is that I use an older version of the software, Xara Xtreme Pro 4, when the current version is Xara Photo Designer 6. So it's really not worth it to anyone for me to post screen captures, nor detailed instructions about tools. So I decided to create what I call a "Quick and Dirty Xara Tutorial" - no screen captures or tool explanations, just quick and dirty instructions. However, I've been told by Photoshop/GIMP users that the techniques used here can be extrapolated and used in those programs as well - as long as you know you to replicate a given technique in your software of choice.

    So here's the first one, and I am planning to do a few more...


    I hope it helps somebody!

    Here's a link to the Google+ Maps for Sharing Community.

    And as an aside, I just started a Google+ Community for the Kaidan setting of Japanese Horror (PFRPG) - so if you're a fan, or think you might want to be, please join!

    By the way, in both those communities I go by my real name, Michael Tumey, and not my handle here.
    Last edited by Korash; 05-23-2013 at 10:33 PM. Reason: as per "request"
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