My name is Filip, graphic designer, photographer and illustrator.
I have over 10 years of experience in fields of visual identity and logo design, packaging design, product and food photography, typography, hi-end retouching and illustration.

As a huge fan of role playing games and fantasy novels, I am almost obsessed with fantasy maps.
And logically, as a graphic designer and future author of graphic novel I started to create my own maps few years ago.

Without any good tutorials all my efforts were basically trial-and-error.

But after a few dozen attempts, countless sketches and huge amount of time spent looking at maps,
I managed to create perfect, legitimate maps, exactly like the ones we see and use in everyday life.

That’s when I decided to create this course.

Every fan of role playing games and fantasy novels interested in creation probably asked himself: “How can I create entire worlds? Where do I start? Which software should I use?”

This course will give You answers to all these questions.

In this course I will cover almost every aspects of fantasy map making, from sketching to tracing, from basic formation of height map to creation of rivers and swamps- You name it.
I will also provide You with some of the essential materials, such as sketches or height map colors.
By the end of this course You will be able to create entire worlds.

Take a look at some maps i created.





Take a look for Yourself.
