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Thread: [WIP] Canthar: World Map

  1. #1
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Wip [WIP] Canthar: World Map

    Hi All

    It’s been a while since I posted anything new. You see, I’ve been busy developing my 4th Edition D&D campaign setting. I’ve put a lot of thought into my setting and think I’ve developed an interesting world.

    I’ve actually been running adventures in this setting since 4E was released, 12 months ago, but it’s taken this long for the setting to develop, as I learned more about 4E. Originally this setting was very different from the creature it is today. It was very much a Tolkienesque setting, but I realised I wanted a D&D, roleplaying setting. Something not quite as serious, more fantastic in the way of fantasy, completely compatible with the core 4E canon but entirely my own at the same time. At first my thoughts were all over the place, but I soon realised how utterly flexible 4E is for campaign design. All I had to do was somehow separate core canon from my own ideas, yet allow room for core canon to expand, through the release of new rulebooks, supplements, the addition of new races and classes, etc., without that expansion continually forcing me to adjust my setting. To solve this problem I decided to divide my setting’s history into two distinct parts separated by a world-changing cataclysm and a 2,000-year dark age buffer zone, so to speak.

    I’ve now detailed my world, how it works, given it a history, developed the major players, threats, and powers that influence the setting, and have arrived at the point where I can’t really continue without visualising and mapping the world, and thought I’d post my progress as a WIP for you guys to read, examine, comment on and critique, and help me make a great map.

    This will be a whole world map, so at this scale I only want to depict continental masses, islands, mountains, rivers and major settlements. I’ll zoom in with other maps when this one is finished.

    For the style of this map I want to try and emulate the way navigators and explorers make maps in my world, using a combination of traditional ink and parchment, but enhanced by magic. Imagine a map scroll that comes to life when you unravel it. I’m thinking an almost holographic map, but I need to represent this 3D magic-holo-map in 2D so I can print it out for my players without losing the illusion of 3D. I hope you can visualise what I’m trying to describe.

    Anyway, with a single exception, I’ll be exclusively using CC3 to create this map. I want to create a new mapping style to show what can be done with this software. The single exception is the drawing template below. I created this in a really old paint program called MGI Photosuite. MGI PS is really just an advanced MS Paint program, but it’s easy to use and has always been a favourite of mine.

    I’ll try to explain any techniques I use to get the effects I want along the way to help other CC3 users, and will share details of my setting to help everyone understand why I do certain things or want things to look a specific way. So, without further ado, I’ll begin…


  2. #2
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    This is the drawing template I created in MGI Photosuite. I like to work with a template when doing world maps. It helps me determine distances and shape, and helps gives boundaries that I can work within to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    I’m going to insert this template into my new CC3 style by creating a new sheet and layer both called BITMAP. Then I just insert the template onto the BITMAP sheet as a drawing. Next I move the BITMAP sheet to the top of the sheet list so the template sits beneath all the other sheets. That might sound a little confusing to some people, but in CC3 the higher a sheet (akin to layers in other art software) is on the list, the lower it is in the actual drawing.

    I’ve decided that this map will depict my world in both plan and plane view at the same time, hence the two sections.

    Next, I’ll start by drawing the land.

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  3. #3
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Wip The Continents

    Now I’ve created some drawing tools for the land.

    I used the Cartographers Annual 2009 Fantasy Realms Tan bitmap fills for the land drawtools, adding a simple black coastline as an extra entity on a separate sheet. I like this bitmap fill because it has a parchment look to it, and fits the magical parchment feel I want to give this map. I created three drawtools for the land in three shades of the Tan fills. The different colours will represent whether the continent will have a cold, temperate, or hot climate, with dark tan as cold, medium tan as temperate, and light tan as hot. I also forced each of these drawtools onto its own sheet.

    Using these tools I drew the first continents as shown below.
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  4. #4
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Wip The Shadowfell

    One of the continents in my world is actually part of the Shadowfell. When the cataclysm I mentioned hit Canthar, its effects rippled through Canthar’s twins – The Shadowfell and the Feywild. While the Feywild remained largely untouched, the Shadowfell actually collided with the natural world, piercing the planar boundaries and creating a planar breach. This planar breach has created an area of violent storms, known as The Dread Expanse, from which protrudes part of the Shadowfell itself.

    Where this Shadowfell continent enters Canthar, I need to create the illusion of a jagged area of land emerging from a region of dark, necrotic storms. To do this I first selected the coastline and split it in two places along the top, and deleted that piece of the coastline. This edge will become the part that disappears into the Dread Expanse.

    To make the exposed edge fade into the Shadowfell, I created a new drawtool called “Land, Edge”, but didn’t add a coastline to this tool. I used this drawtool to draw a smoother edge to the Shadowfell continent and forced this drawtool onto a new sheet which I placed above the sheets with the land on.
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  5. #5
    Guild Member Fabrice's Avatar
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    Ambitious project!

    I am extremely curious to see how you will handle the plane view (the better to pilfer your skills and knowledge!)

  6. #6
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fabrice View Post
    I am extremely curious to see how you will handle the plane view (the better to pilfer your skills and knowledge!)
    I haven't actually decided how I'm going to handle the plane view myself, yet. I know it's going to be the part of the map with the least detail, so I'm going to leave that view until the end.


  7. #7
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Wip The Dread Expanse

    Right, now I’ve drawn the continents I won’t need the template for a while, so I’ve created a parchment background using the CA 2007, Issue 6: Parchments, and inserted it into my Canthar map.

    For the Dread Expanse I’ve created three new sheets; low, mid and high clouds. I then just drew a few cloud-like blobs on these sheets. I fiddled around with the sheet effects for each of these sheets, using blurs and transparencies to try and create a roiling necrotic storm.

    I was hoping to add my first “magical, 3Dish” effect to the map with this storm, and found it pretty tricky to get the colours and effects right. I think I’ve got it right, but if anyone is good with CC3 sheets and effects – please let me know if you have any good techniques to get this kind of effect. Finally, to begin adding more map magic, I added a dropshadow sheet effect to the land.

    Anyway, this is what I’ve managed so far, and I hope it’s beginning to capture the feeling that the Shadowfell continent is emerging, or thrusting out of, a raging necrotic storm. I’m going to look at adding some purple necrotic lightning later on, but that’s something I need to think about first.

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  8. #8
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    No real comments from me other than I like it so far
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  9. #9
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Nice job on that cloud effect; I really like the way that looks.

  10. #10
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Post Mountains and Rivers

    Hi All

    I've been playing around with different effects and styles for this map, so my progress has been a bit on the slow side. Anyway, here's what I've added.

    I only want to add mountains and rivers at this scale, so I’ve been experimenting with using symbols to depict the mountains. However, the look didn’t keep with the magical "pop-up" style I’ve envisioned. The symbols just looked too flat, and that’s not the effect I wanted. Because of this, I decided to use the tool from CA 2009, Issue 24: Shaded Reliefs.

    I put the reliefs on a new layer, called reliefs. I had to play around with the settings for a while until I got what I think is the right look.

    At first the effect was too strong, and the mountains looked too large and out of place, so I reduced the size of the reliefs and crowded them closer together, even overlapping in places.

    Next I added the rivers by drawing fractal lines, splitting them and increasing their thickness as they got closer to the coasts.

    When I took a look at my progress with the sheet effects on, the mountains looked too transparent, and didn’t really stand out on the map. To remedy this I added a contour layer, placed it beneath the relief layer that my mountains were on, and added a blur and transparency effect. I think this makes the mountains stand out a bit more.

    Now I’ve just got to add some settlements, features, etc., and label the map. Once that’s done I can start working on the plane view.

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