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Thread: Cenia

  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected Rythal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Toronto, Ontario

    Map Cenia

    As the Gianorian Empire rose in the east, and the Andulonian Empire rose to the west, trade between the two began superpowers to flourish. However, as the Ishthain Empire took over the northern sea lanes, Andulon sought new means to reach their eastern trade partners. The answer lay in the Straits of Cenia, linking the Andaliun Ocean to the Sea of Kara, which borders Gianor. The Dominion of Cen, at the time a small nation, accepted the idea, but imposed a small tax for the use of the strait. At the same time, Gianor declared war on Ishthai, meaning weapons and troops were required from the west. As fleets of ships flooded the straits, the coffers of Cenia overflowed, allowing them to fund massive expansion along the two peninsula's. Armed with wealth surpassing any other empire, Cenia now stands as one of the most influential nations, capable of funding the most expensive of expeditions and research.

    So this was a bit of a hard one to do, especially considering its size chewed up a ton of RAM, turning Photo Paint sluggish. I ran out of ideas to call the city's/towns/forts, so I started naming some of them off of elements. Also the mountains in the south were somewhat problematic in that the bevel tool doesnt reach the middle, so I'm afraid I have some botched mountain peaks in the southern range. :/ Enjoy.
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    Last edited by Rythal; 03-11-2010 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #2


    Stylish! The colours are very good. Some of the names are a little hard to read, though.

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Katto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Dortmund, Germany


    I like that style and agree with Soixante. The names are hard to read. Have you thought about giving the names the same opacity like the symbols?

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