mtn test2.jpg
fiddling, was so embarrassed i had to post this - have to do rl work, so posting progress for the day basically
I was messaging Viking about making mountains and working with a similar sketchy paint style that hes created with his masterpiece
I am trying to learn how to make that paint sketch look myself
I figured i would post my progress, and mabie get some pointers on how to do it better for others and may help someone out
(edit - this is much uglier than i anticipated, but in effort for learning im leaving up this embarrasing piece - will post progress)
mtn test.jpg
I started off with a dark green for the ground
and started forming the mountains
then i realized it was too dark, so lightened it up with a lighter green
i was seeing that it wasnt meshing quite right, so added in some tan elements, and painted on top of the old mountain look
i think i may be working into the right mind set here, the tan mountain with sketchy style i think is starting to look decent
-I have learned
---form terrain first with desert, etc, as a base, form up slowly and do mountains last, then touch up over top with highlights and feathering to meld the two
comments tips tricks? am i doing it wrong?
Last edited by ranger; 10-23-2013 at 05:14 PM.
mtn test2.jpg
fiddling, was so embarrassed i had to post this - have to do rl work, so posting progress for the day basically
Not a bad start Ranger! Honestly, a lot of my paintings can start out rather chaotically and formless. Don't be afraid to throw in outlines and strong darks but just don't fall in love with anything. Ultimately you want your forms to be defined by tones and contrasts, or at least I try to do that. Try to see the planes that make up the faces slopes of the landscape for example. Having the terrain colour under the mountain first helps a lot. Eventually you'll want to show the vegetation creeping up the slopes a bit whatever the colour of the mountain is
For me, and I feel I still have a lot to learn about mountains and especially just painting in general, it is a lot about experimentation. It really is a lot of practice like I saiddoing studies of real mountains helps a lot. Keep up the good work!
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