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Thread: WIP - Northern Bravia - for D&D - 1st map!

  1. #1

    Wip WIP - Northern Bravia - for D&D - 1st map!

    Hi All,

    I've been quietly lurking for a few weeks and in love with this site and all the beautiful artwork. I'm more inspired than I've been in years. Here's my first run at a map of a region in my homebrew D&D campaign. The map, the world, and the campaign are still being developed. The town of Thorn is the starting location. Also noted on the map are the locations of several 1st level encounters the group may run in to.

    Thoughts, suggestions and input is graciously accepted.

    My own thoughts:

    Creating my own brushes - borrowing someone else's for now
    Enhance coastline
    Enhance Rivers
    More organic placement of trees/mountains

    Thanks for any thoughts!
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  2. #2


    I love the names of the forests ... and am interested in what scale the map is ?

  3. #3


    Haha. Yeah, I'm going for cheesy names rather than made up fantasy names. A little humor never killed anyone, right? Map is 2400px square at 300dpi. 1in = 30mi? I'm still working that out. I guess that would make the map 240 mi square...

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Kurald Liosan


    I like the coastline. You might want to mix up your mountain-symbols a it is kind of too regular/one sided with just one type of mountain.
    Tell us a bit about your world. And as a world-map us the whole world
    I'm trapped in Darkness,
    Still I reach out for the Stars

  5. #5
    Guild Novice Guild Supporter n8ey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Those rivers in the left are kinda weird (in a good way), they made me think of swampy areas as-yet-named.

    The scheme is nice - I'm eager to see what your brushes look like.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
    I like the coastline. You might want to mix up your mountain-symbols a it is kind of too regular/one sided with just one type of mountain.
    Tell us a bit about your world. And as a world-map us the whole world
    Thanks! And I agree about the symbols. I'm still drawing my own and plan to get much more variety in there. As for the world, it is also a WIP so it is still forming in my head. I am starting a D&D campaign very soon and I needed the region mapped out. The idea is that the players have sailed up river from the capital of Brevia to the Harbor and the traveled over land to Thorn.

    The nation of Bravia is still recovering from a very bloody civil war which has made the capital a difficult place to make a living. The violence in the capital and the new labor force needed in Thorn has made the small town grow much faster than anyone expected. Thorn is a small town built around an archaeological dig site funded by one very charismatic nobleman. The players will decide why they are there and what they are after. In the meantime, they may be called upon to defend Thorn from roaming Barbarians, suicidal Goblins, and Demon worshiping cultists.

    Eventually they will realize the dig site and the head Archaeologist is at the root of the conflict. The Archaeologist has secretly uncovered, at the dig site, the means to summon an ancient demon lord. To keep this quiet he is paying the barbarians and goblins to attack the town and makes sure anyone suspect of him are killed off. He is also in control of the demon cult. When he finds the final piece of the puzzle, he'll start the ritual to summon the demon lord.

    This will all take place from level 1 to maybe 5 or so. After that, who knows? I have a vague idea of the lands beyond this region. As my world and the players' story takes shape, I'll surely be adding more.

  7. #7


    Update 1:
    Created my own custom Mountains Brushes. Took out enemy locations. Replaced old mountains with new brush set.
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  8. #8


    Great map! I like the humourous forest names and your custom mountains look good.

  9. #9


    The Craggles look better than your first mountains, but your forests are too evenly spaced - bunch them up some to look more natural.

    Have some REP for your first posted map!

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  10. #10


    Thanks, GP! Working on forest brushes next. Inspired by Max's Selvarin map. Might try to emulate that organic forest growth style. Since this is also a D&D map, i need to draw a graveyard icon, a barbarian camp icon, and a cultist symbol as well. Hopefully I can get those in today.

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