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Thread: Jörðgarð Map of the Week #82 - Óðinn's Fortress þing Gall

  1. #1
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria

    Default Jörðgarð Map of the Week #82 - Óðinn's Fortress þing Gall


    With the 82nd Map of the Week we continue in the borderlands town of Óðinn's House in the Kingdom of Slovania. This week we take a look at the þing Hall of Óðinn's Fortress, above the Outer Town south of the main settlement. The Æsir always have determined their course for each coming year in an annual meeting of chieftains known as the þing (thing – pronounced like the English word thing). In Óðinn's time, the chieftains had been replaced by nobility, but the þing lost none of its importance due to that change. The þing continues to be just as important for the members of the Northern Circle. The two great annual þingi (things) take place each year in the tundra and in the þing Hall of Óðinn's Fortress. The circle has no nobility or chieftains. Instead, the high druids of the fortress and in the outposts within the ruins of the Æsir Empire participate in the þingi in Óðinn's House. In old Miðgarð and in the Æsir Empire the þing was an annual event except in rare cases of dire emergency. Participation also was strictly limited to chieftains and later to nobility. The Northern Circle also usually has only an annual þing, but it will call a special thing more readily when there are important circumstances that merit it. The circle also will not hesitate to admit and talk with outsiders if they have or need valuable information. þing Hall is a relatively small, single story building without cellar. It measures 25 x 35 feet/7.5 x 10.5 m. It serves only as a þing location and as a room for other conferences of the circle. The hall contains no valuables and is not guarded.

    1. Entrance.

    2. Speaker's Chair. Only one designated person or the þing leader is allowed to speak at any given time during a þing. Interruptions are not tolerated except by the þing leader. The person who has the floor sits in this chair.

    3. þing Leader's Chair. Óðinn was the Austamæra þing leader in his time. Today this chair is recerved for the high white druid Arnfinnur.

    4. Participants' Tables.

    You can get this floor plan in two versions:

    1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 map in FMP format, fully editable, from our Jörðgarð web page (7.2 MB).

    2. As a JPG flat map of 2500 Pixels x 1980 Pixels (1.6 MB), with the hyperlink below.

    Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:

    The Jörðgarð World

    Next week: Óðinn's Fortress - The Dwarven Highway
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern California


    If you are mapping the whole city down the the battle map detail, that is pretty cool.

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