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Thread: An Island (or a first attempt at one)

  1. #1

    Wip An Island (or a first attempt at one)

    Hi Everybody! I've been toying with ideas and drawing skills for mapmaking and worldbuilding for a long time, but I recently came up with one of a few finished things. "Finished" in the sense that it's not just a fragmentary sketch -- it's a coherent geographical thing. That said, it's definitely a sketch or preliminary draft of various ideas.

    The original drawing is quite small and I didn't have good tools handy when I got started, so don't focus too much on the drawing technique. Greenery is especially sloppy. I definitely hope to develop and polish it further.

    My biggest concern here was getting things on a plausible geological scale. More experienced comments on that are welcome, or anything else. I envision the landmass as roughly 100-150 km top-to-bottom.

    The six red dots denote settlement locations, none especially populous, but the one to the south (with north to the top of the image) being the largest. West of the ridge is virtually unpopulated.

    Last edited by Ninly; 05-21-2019 at 02:15 PM. Reason: Change icon from Map to WIP

  2. #2


    Starting with the south-southeastern corner, where I envision settlement and economic development to have begun, I'm taking smaller chunks of the island to introduce more detail and try some things. Attached image is further development of the shoreline and a sketch of river flow.

    I don't have much experience with this, so let me know if I've made any n00b errors!


  3. #3


    With foothills, hydrology, forests, a town wall, roads (supply for wood, stone, and agricultural goods) and a quarry added.


  4. #4


    On such a small scall anything is plausible geologically, it could be a small bit of a continent that drifted to the west and collided with antother oceanic plate, that's why your mountains are slightly on the east of your landmass and you have 2 capes to the north and the south, just the very thin peninsula might be a bit irrealistic but nothin problematic. Graphically it looks great ! Keep going !

  5. #5


    I really appreciate the feedback, thanks so much!

    I'm curious about your comment regarding the narrow peninsula. I had envisioned that feature as something comprable to a sandbar or barrier Island, maybe something like Cape Cod or Coney Island, on a smaller scale. But I'm not too familiar with the processes that lead to those real-world features. Is there something obvious to you in what I have here that would distinguish it from those contexts? Maybe the proximity to mountainous terrain, or the fact that it isn't parallel to the tectonic interface?

    Anyway, thanks again!

  6. #6


    It could be formed by an island connected to the land by a narrow strip of sand due to oceanic bringing it to this shallower area, but then you would have something the shape of an island so not as thin as the thing you have and a thin strip of land connecting it to the bigger landmass, look at,-2.2461628,13z or,-3.0962881,12z.

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