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Thread: Continent map and regional map for D&D (Personal)

  1. #1

    Default Continent map and regional map for D&D (Personal)

    Hello Cartographers,

    I'm looking for a cartographer to draw a black and white high fantasy hex map. Something like this
    Will be solely used for my D&D game. 1 continent map along with 4 regional map. Regional map around 24miles per hex. The continent map a zoomed out version of the 4 regional map.
    I have in mind a few general location for landmarks and city for the map. The rest of the stuff eg. forest, hill, rivers. i leave it up to your expertise!
    My budget is $50USD. Im not really sure if this is enough. Maybe we can discuss the price and other finer details.

    I can be contacted at bulaien.c@gmail(dot)com

  2. #2
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    South Scotland (originally Finland)


    I'm sorry to say this, but 50 bucks is pretty darn low for even one map, let alone several (if I understood you correctly and that is your budget for the whole project). Even for a B/W map, that could easily fetch a price tag of a two, three hundred and more, depending on the artist. A map like that, for me at least, would be easily a 20-40 hour job, and I'm sure you can figure what kind of an hourly rate that would amount to with your stated budget.

    I completely understand that for a personal game you run for your friends, you most likely don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a map, but unfortunately the intended use doesn't make the map any less time-consuming for the artist to make. Most people who do commission work here are pros, working at this either part or even full time, and they need to be charging as such.

    I'd maybe look into free maps found around the web, or check out Inkarnate or Wonderdraft, Other World Mapper or suchlike to see if you could make your own.
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  3. #3
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Five maps? Your budget is missing at least a zero, mate...

  4. #4
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    I do A4 maps for 30, but I dont make hex maps so I cant really talk. If you are interested even if its not hex you can check my portfolio and contact me if you want on
    Last edited by NaglisG; 01-04-2020 at 02:49 PM.

  5. #5


    Hi Tiamxt,

    I'm interested in your project. Sent you an email with my fares and links to samples.



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