This is my latest finished piece, The Quadrangle. a 3-in-1 map showing the northern portion of Graybeard Island where the treasure burial site is located.
It includes an overview of the northern island (with the eastern edge of Doom Island just showing), a large depiction of the burial area with the "sighting stones", and a smaller cross-section view of what is under the "X". Persons trying to find the treasure would need 3 in their party to get an accurate location of the "X" (with 2 standing at and lining up the sighting stones visually, and a third to walk out into the field (starting from one of the sighting stones) until he crosses the other viewers line of sight.
As usual, this is done with my favorite media; graphite, ink, and oil pencil on grocery bag.

P.s my narrative and the lore of Graybeard is growing with each new map I do. I've got to get to writing but I can't stop drawing maps. lol
The Quadrangle .jpg