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Thread: Howdy!

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    's-hertogenbosch, the netherlands

    Default Howdy!

    Hello fellow Cartographers,
    I'm Bas, and in normal days I call myself a graphic designer, but for my graduation project (of my study "graphic design") I'm going to create a huge mapping project (if you're interested in the bottom are links to my design work). My graduation theme concerns the BRIC & PIGS countries (an economic term). BRIC standing for Brazil, Russia, India, China, the rising economies. PIGS standing for Portugal, Italy/Ireland, Greece/Great-Britain and Spain, the crumbling and economies which are on the verge of collapsing. In my research I came across so much information of these countries, which was all more interesting and partly the cause of these situations the countries were in. The differences (and diversity) in religions, the previous oppression they've been under or the former world powers they once were...

    My idea was to create a map which is not based on geographical data but all this data that is so much more interesting and really tells you something about a country instead of giving you a geographical correct image of a country. So while mapping, I'm going to make references to the information that shapes a country. So in case of China a few ideas could be: communism for a soil for the country, a seriously shrinking "hutong" forest, and a huge cliff of the cultural revolution genocide. This is just the first idea I had for this project, but I was wondering if you guys had anything interesting that was already done on mapping like this? Mapping without geographical reference or other references which were used into the cartography.

    cheers & any help or feedback would be very, very much appreciated.

    portfolio 1
    portfolio 2

  2. #2


    check out our tutorial section, you'll find good stuff to kick start you there. Welcome

  3. #3
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Montreal, Canada


    This does sound like an interesting project. Are you planning on keeping the shape of the countries involved or going completely "off the map"? In either case, I have to agree with Vellum that the tutorial section is the place to go for ideas on how to do things mappywise. On the look of what you want, I would suggest the Finished Maps or Cartographer's Choice sections for ideas on style. However I am not sure what you mean by "communism for a soil for the country". I understand the concept, just not what you mean graphicaly. The other concepts in your example are definately workable, and the tuts area is where you can get pointers on how to represent them on the map.

    Have fun, and Welcome to the Guild, The Mappiest Place on the Web
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

    Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent

  4. #4
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    's-hertogenbosch, the netherlands


    Well I'm thinking the size of the countries is going to correspond to some data (inhabitants perhaps, or economic welfare maybe)...
    Thanks anyway for pointing me in the right direction! I already harvested some awesome maps this morning in the second hand store. I shall photograph or scan them and put them in the reference material section.

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