

Price is a random big number- I don't know how much this stuff costs. I have enough money to pay for what I want, even if it's a bit more than that. Please contact me via email at mrwizard71 -- at --- gmail.com (at= @, no -). I'll pay via Paypal or your service of choice.


Here are some various images. The world is earth size, on a globe. There are four main continents and a LOT of smaller islands. I'd ideally be looking for a purely geographic atlas map. A digital version I can zoom on is the most critical part, I'm not sure how that translates to inches for scale. I'd ideally be able to zoom from the world map (25000 at the equator) to one grid hex (2083-mile square) without losing too much fidelity, which to me suggests a very large image- probably 4k. The digital height map (reds) is a flat projection of a globe- it's a bit distorted. I have more hand-drawn stuff and would want to call to talk about it and see samples of past work before I committed.


I am looking for a map in the following style https://www.worldofelyden.com/the-inner-sea. Obviously less detail; specifically no roads, cities, or habitation details in the slightest. I plan to use the map for multiple campaigns set in different times within the same geographic world, so I will stick my roads and cities on top of it myself.

The world is not fixed- except in specific areas people have already explored, much of the detail will be up to you.

Quality and size

Professional- 4k image, landscape orientation. Vector, mostly for digital use, though I might end up printing sections to doodle on.


No time constraint, ideally I'd like it by the end of the summer.

None- share it as much as you want. You can retain copyright if that's important to you.