
Apologies for the delay this week. The neo-Nazi NPD party had its Bavarian convention (over the protests of the local government) in a neighboring city. We had large demonstrations against the neo-Nazis with about 2,000 people turning out. I've been pretty involved in the protests - particularly on Internet level - so I had to shove off RPGing for a few days.

(If anyone's interested in seeing things, we have a series of 29 photos at:

Anti-Nazi Demo in Scheinfeld

The texts are in German, but photos speak for themselves. Click the "Weiter >" link to go forward one page, and the "< Zurück" link to go back one.)

With the 155th Map of the Week, we take a look at the Hamlet of Grain Docks in Slovania's Southland County. The town is a staging area for the transportation of farm crops by caravan and by river raft. The western side of town - where there once was an inn - and the old bridge were destroyed several years ago in a fire.

Key to the Map of Grain Docks

1. Campgrounds.

2. Market.

3. Vermundur's Rapids.

4. Old Bridge Ruin.

5. Bořek's Ferry.

6. Bounty River.

7. Rapids Farm Cooperative.

8. Rapids Farm Cooperative Warehouses.

9. Farmer Bořek's Farm.

10. Rapids Fishermen's Guild.

11. Royal Trading Docks.

12. Royal Trading Station.

13. Royal Trading Warehouses.

14. Boarding Houses.

15. Baronial Watch Station.

16. Rapids Brewery.

17. Watch Tower Ruin.

18. Sage Michal's Tower Ruin.

19. Rapids Inn Ruin.

You can get this map in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (25 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

2. As a JPG flat map of 3000 Pixels x 2230 Pixels, (3 MB), available above.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:

The Jörðgarð World

Next Week: Fruit Garden Hamlet