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Thread: The Star Sector, home of the Laser Wars

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  1. #1

    Default The Star Sector, home of the Laser Wars

    A while back I was this dude, but that account seems to be nonfunctional at the moment. So here is a map, it is a map of the Star Sector made based on a strange forum thing where a bunch of people threw some vague, random stuff about a bunch of spacefaring factions they made up around and I stuck the ones associated with a particular popular theme that emerged together.

    The goal was to make something full of all the common visual queues you get in science fiction video games, I made it in GIMP, it was easier than I expected, but it's still a work in progress kind of because maybe it will end up being used in a forum game and I'll have to edit it down to a very basic level and then update it over time or something like that. If cool stuff happens I will post updates.

    Glad to be back here making maps though, it's good stuff.
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  2. #2
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Portland, OR


    It's quite nice. I like it crisp and clean like this. Have some rep for your new persona...

  3. #3


    Nice one, now you made me want to play Masters of Orion...

  4. #4


    Endless Space is what I was playing prior to making this map, if you've played it you'll see that it's clearly quite similar to what you see in that game.

  5. #5


    I suppose that the bigger the circle, the more inhabitants?

  6. #6


    Yes, but there's not any math involved or anything.

  7. #7


    I realize that this thread is pretty old, but it touches on a subject that it pretty dear to me right now.

    I'd like to try my hand at that kind of star-map, but I have no idea on how to do it.

    If somebody (perhaps even the OP themselves!) would be kind enough of writing up a short tutorial (PS CS6), that would be much appreciated. Even a general list of basic tutorials to look up for the various elements (glowing "borders"/"spheres of influence", the grid, glowing important star systems and choice of proper background image) would help!

    I've found many a great tutorial here on the Cartgrapher's Guild, but most are solidly fantasy centered. And while I can (and have already done so! ) use the Ascension Atlas tutorial to create great maps for planets and moons, how to properly create a nice looking "political" 2d star map still eludes me.

    Well, apart from the standard Traveller-like ones. But they don't fully do what I'd like. My main interest is seated in those borders/influence spheres and how to make them look both distinct as well as "cool"/"shiny".

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