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Thread: Digital map to .png or .jpg or .gif

  1. #11
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Cool, yeah, post some piccies of the results !

  2. #12


    It worked FABIOUSLY. This image just flushed through the software, very much unlike the oversized PNG's (540MB) i was using. Dude, you are a god in my book now. And all the data is in it, i very much like to know how you are able to put all of it in such a small file size... are there keywords i could search on google or do you know of tutorials and such? I can't believe all the data was in such a tiny file... Do you do this normally in a professional capacity?

    I'm using it to make a world map for the game called Minecraft. Basicly i'm creating a 1:2000 scale world for it for players to plan on and build like replica's of their houses on. A wall block would be 2KM thick though so building can't be anywhere near scale, but it's fun to go build on your country ingame and battle with your neighbours and such. It's really a very populair indy game, you've probably heard of it because the succes -seen it's an indy game- did also spin some articles in mainstream media. I'm just making the map as a fan of the game, the community is awesome.

    I have posted a topic on a game related website -without the bathymetric height differences- and almost 15.5k people have seen the topic (the ones who where measured, but you have to subscribe for it and be logged on to be counted, the actual amount of people who've seen it is probably more around 50~75k players) and i recieve a huge amount of comments that they already love it eventhough it's not even finished/published.

    I'm not going to do any fancy stuff with it worth of showing off to the world. But you make a lot of people even happier now the sea has height differences to! I'm totally willing to credit you for the awesome work but you might get overrun by teenagers asking to convert a map for free, like me. Only difference i'm not a teenager xD I'll leave that call up to you.

    Many, Many thanks again! This is totally awesome, the detail is WAY WAY better as i expected. Infinite internet credit points to you !

  3. #13


    I am kind of curious now how the 300MB sized map looks and if it will affect the detail of the map when i run it through the software. Downloading that one as well if you don't mind

    unfortunatelly the bigger map shows like it was in the thumb, with colors being off. Im going to look into imagemagick next thing tomorrow
    Last edited by Jelle_W; 07-16-2012 at 08:59 PM.

  4. #14
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I'm glad that worked out for you. In terms of tutorials I wrote the main one here about the technical side of images - all the non artistic stuff to do with file types, resampling and all that kind of thing.

    We also have monthly mapping challenges where it goes to vote - if you have browsed around the site you must have seen that. Well one month about 2 yrs ago we had one where there was a really strict file size limit and people had to map the best they could do in that file size. A lot of discussion and tips were posted about how to reduce the file size in those threads. But basically for the 35Mb height map I posted its merely an 8 bit greyscale PNG.

    We have heard of Minecraft and got posts about that when it was released. Though I have not seen Notch on these boards hes a popular web programmer. If I may Id point you at some other resources too. There is Joe Slayton who writes "Fractal Terrains" which make large fantasy world height maps which you could use to import in your minecraft worlds. He also writes Wilbur the free height map conversion & manipulation tool as well which is very popular around here. Another interesting link you ought to check out is "Outerra" which is an in development 3D world terrain viewer which is just unbelievable until you have tried it and it certainly stomps all over minecraft though minecraft is more about building stuff and Outerra is more about exploration in a fixed landscape.

    I write ViewingDale which is a 2D world building app where instead of building in blocks you build in images layered up. Try a youtube search or see my sig. Im also involved with the Me-Dem work which is the middle earth digital elevation model project to make an accurate height map / 3D terrain of middle earth. The Middle earth we have at the mo is 40K pixels square and 16bit height res and its been put into Outerra and looks great but Outerra shows up the errors in it because you can get right in there and up close. We use ViewingDale to browse the 2D maps and a lot of custom tools to modify the height maps which is what I used for this file. Wilbur as mentioned is pretty darned good at doing a lot of conversions though whether it would stay up with a 20K wide file I dont know. Certainly its very capable with smaller files and handles a lot more formats that I use.

    If you want to credit me you can but you might be just as well pointing them to the guilds front page. If they are interested in making maps - whether using minecraft or something else - then this is the place to be !

    As for the higher res 16bpp PNG. I dont have any means to check the image. I use a height format called HF2 of which was written by Aaron of L3DT - another good link to check out - the Large 3D Terrain generator. HF2/HFZ stores its data in a compressed tiled and packed floating point so its quick and easier to manipulate compared to these large PNG, GeoTIFF style formats. I believe tho that the 16bpp PNG file does contain the information you need for a more accurate height map but its well possible that its wrong. I could upload the HF2 file which is definitely right but theres not much software around to read that. Theres not much point in using ImageMagick to convert the 16bpp file to 8bpp since I posted the 8bpp version but you could scale it using some custom greyscaling curves to get to your 8bpp in a different way to the linear one I used. I.e. you could use more shades of grey near to land and compress the sea into a smaller range.

    Anyway, post some minecraft pics too.

    Heres the MeDem gallery showing all sorts of stuff inc Outerra, ViewingDale, my GeoTerSys etc.

    Last edited by Redrobes; 07-17-2012 at 05:30 AM.

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