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Thread: [GIMP] How to add an outfading outline for contrast to rivers and texts?

  1. #1

    Default [GIMP] How to add an outfading outline for contrast to rivers and texts?

    Hi guys,

    my question is simple: I created a oldschool fashioned map. Here are my layers:

    Outermost Border
    Text (Captation, City Names e.g.)
    Overworld (Mountains, Forests e.g.)
    Texture (Paper-sytle)
    Landmass (dark tin color)
    monochromatic Background (light tin)

    A want to draw some black lines in the river Layer, that represent, as the name says, rivers.

    My Problem is: The black lines look ugly on top of the Overworld-Layer (see map for clearness). I tried to select the line, expand the border 3 or 4 px and delete the structures on the Overworld layer, but it looks bad as well.

    Is it possible, to add a border around the river-Line, which has the job to "fade out" the Overworld Layer? I want the river and later the captions to be in contrast to the respective background.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    You could reduce the opacity of the river. It looks really strong compared to the other elements.

  3. #3


    Nice map!

    I'm not really sure what you mean, but I think that if you made 2 masks for the rivers, a darker more narrow one on top, and a wider less dark on the bottom, you could blur them a little bit.


  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Hey KathaBlanca and welcome. I'd go for Azelor suggestion, but if you want to outline your river you can select the river, expand the selection, create a new layer and select it, stroke the selection and then play with the opacity of the layer. Good luck !

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