Hello again.

Some two years ago I posted my struggle with mapping this fantasy continent (for context and ancient history of struggles and failures you might look into the other thread). I hope it's okay to start a new thread.

Tutorials were tried, new textures, and I failed again and again, so I needed to leave this project aside for a while.

Recently I tried my hand at Dungeon Painter Studio. Little app on the cheap, easy to use. Despite its name, it's not for dungeons only, it does have world maps assets. Still, I wasn't quite satisfied with the results. I'm getting closer and closer to a personal project's self-inflicted deadline, so I decided to have a look at Inkarnate.

I had known Inkarnate for years as a webapp (which I'm biased against) with low quality assets, though I've seen some average maps done on it here and there. Anyway, my results with Corel Draw and Dungeon Painter Studio were well below average, so I though "what the hell", and took a dive a week ago. Actually my aim is for a post-apocalyptic map based on the real world, but since I had worked for so long on that other fantasy map, I decided to try to reproduce it in Inkarnate, see what comes from it, as an experiment and exercise.

Well, I think the results are finally much closer to what I envisioned. I understand most cartographers can spot Inkarnate maps from a mile away by now, but I suppose that can't be so bad in itself. What matters is whether or not I can achieve a decent map.

Anyway, here's where I'm at. Obviously this is a work in progress still, but I'd like to hear your critiques and ideas for my map. Thanks in advance.

Map W.jpg

This setting still has no name, I've posted it as Patriam last time, I came up with the name Longínqua recently, I'm really not sure though.

(Oh, and I also started my post-apocalyptic map as an exercise, I'll post it too later.)