After quite a bit of work on my story, something about it just wasn't speaking to me. I decided to go back and revise the names of the countries (which I random-generated before) and that, of course, meant I needed a new map! While I was at it, I also decided to hand-draw a map of the areas I specifically needed for my story. So, I guess this is really the story of two maps...

This is (a bad picture of) the close-up. My scanner hasn't been working properly and my camera doesn't really take very good pictures, but it's the best I could get. I haven't shaded the mountains on this one, either... I'm not quite sure how I should do them. If I just did them in black, I'd lose a lot of detail, and I might have a problem with some of the cities that are located within the mountain's shadows. I also need to figure out a way to ink the roads without making them look like little rivers. I have to say, I'm really proud of those creatures, though. I need to put in maybe one or two more.

This is the full map. I'd like to tell you what that box is reserved for, but... honestly, it was just a lot of blank space.I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet. I also need to shade the mountains on this one, but... well, I've just been lazy. I'll get on it.... I'll probably shade them in a lighter color, though, rather than in black.