No need to apologize, I didn't think you was trying to do that - I was just trying to end the 4e god/bad discussion there - and I do believe the posts were entertaining, but off topic
and I'm also amazed at the flamewars going on and on... get over it! *lol* ... its not like there is no books to play 3.5 with if you don't like 4e ... and if 3.5'ers want more - they should look at pathfinder which is (I believe) still evolving
I haven't read the GSL but if its very restrictive I understand your sentiment - especially with all the good intentions in the OGL. The only thing bothering me is that the online part of 4e (that was announced 2 years ago) haven't shown up ... that being said, the character generator rocks and so does the monster generator - both cool applications, but I would like a cool online gaming system as well

And back to mapping - the only maps where I actually think of gamesystem are battle maps - cause that's the only place where you can cater a bit to your audience.. .but then again - I'm mostly about just making cool maps and I'm not adding stuff just to make it more 4e - people can take it or leave it